An Evening on the Stage 2024
Monday, November 18, 2024
War Memorial Opera House
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Great Benefactor Ticket $0.00
  • Center Stage seating for dinner
  • Prime listing in printed materials, including the event invitation and program, and San Francisco Opera Program Book

Grand Benefactor Ticket $0.00
  • Premier seating for dinner
  • Premier listing in printed materials, including the event invitation and program, and San Francisco Opera Program Book

Benefactor Ticket $0.00
  • Priority seating for dinner
  • Priority listing in printed materials, including the event invitation and program, and San Francisco Opera Program Book

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For more information or to order tickets by phone or email please contact us at (415) 565-3204

*Reservations and donations made by September 9, 2024, will be acknowledged in the formal invitation.

Fair Market Value of each ticket: $300. Tickets are non-refundable. No tickets will be mailed.